Celtic Bromance 4th Birthday Bash Endurance
Apex Online Racing
Event Information

Event Information:
Welcome to the Celtic Bromance 4th Birthday Bash Endurance!
You’ve probably seen Celtic Bromance around as a team in AOR - most likely in a Stewards report! We’re celebrating our 4th birthday as a team, and welcome everyone to partake in our tradition - an annual 4-hour endurance race at Bathurst!
Dates & Times
Signups open: 23-Jan-2025
Server Opens: 01-Feb-2025 13:00 (UK Time)
Practice: 30 minutes
Qualifying: 15 minutes
Race: 4 hours
Ingame Time of Day
Practice: 6pm Qualifying: 7pm Race: 8pm 1x Time Acceleration
Weather Information
Rain: 0.25
Cloud: 0.25
Randomness: 1
Ambient Temp: 24c
Huge chance of a dry race
Event-specific rules
Qualifying will be on the day, in the race server
Minimum of 1 driver per team
Maximum of 2 drivers per team
3 Mandatory Tyre Changes
No stint timer
Refuelling time not fixed
Multiclass (GT2 / M2)
- 1.1 How do I swap drivers?
There is an extensive tutorial on both the official ACC forums and the previous endurance race threads. You have to do it using the MFD - cycle to the pit menu, then you have to move the cursor using your up and down buttons and then you can select different drivers using left and right. Don't have to "confirm" anything, just leave it on the name of the driver you want to switch seats with and pit. After the pit is done he'll get teleported into the car.
- 1.2 I joined the server as a spectating driver and I’m focused on another team’s car
Click “Drive” and find your car using the Shift+L/R arrow key. Once this is done, pressing "Drive" at any time in continuation will focus your camera on the correct car. Make sure you check that the "Drive" mode is focusing on the correct car before taking over the car. If the player is still focused on a different entry after receiving the car during a swap, pressing Shift+Up Arrow will focus the view to the player car instantly. Note that this requires the possession of the car. While spectating, only the Shift+Left/Right Arrows will cycle the focus as described above.
- 1.3 Who out of my squad should join the server first?
The driver designated to join the server first is marked as "First Driver" on the Teams tab. The first-joining driver will define the in-game car name and the livery. In the event of a disconnection and loss of car, the original join order must be respected to retain the car’s progress (see next question).
- 1.4 The active driver disconnected from the server, what can we do in order to keep racing?
Depending on the squad’s ability to perform the correct rejoin sequence, disconnecting is likely to result in a DNF. However, the squad might be able to reconnect and regain control over the original car. When a car is lost, make sure all drivers of the squad first leave the server. After that, it must be the driver of the entry who was originally the first one to join the server that reconnects first, followed by the other teammates. The success of the rejoin will be indicated by the fact that the Driver Swap widget is visible on the HUD with the teammates correctly indicated and the timing widget showing the car’s progress from before the disconnection. If the driver who originally joined the server first from the squad is unable to reconnect and regain the car, the original entry unfortunately remains lost and the remaining drivers will not be able to continue the race in the same entry.
- 1.5 Our squad joined the server but we don’t see each other online in the Driver Swap widget (usually also manifested in an incremented race number when joining)
This is a sign of desynced entry information that occurs due to wrong connecting order. (See 4.4)
- 1.6 I experienced a game crash or disconnection after giving the car away, is this affecting the squad?
If the driver swap is completed successfully, any issue a spectating driver might experience is irrelevant to the connection status of the entry and the player should be able to reconnect to spectate.
- 1.7 One of my mates isn't going to turn up to the race, what now?
You have to remove him from your squad, otherwise your team will get disqualified if one of the drivers doesn't enter the car at all before the end of the race. You are also adviced to message a coordinator. More information can be found unter "Rules" 3.5.2.
- 1.8 Can I solo the race?
No. We no longer accept drivers to drive endurance events solo.
- 1.9 What is the password?
Password for all servers = Apex
- 1.10 What does "Maximum stint time of X minutes" mean?
You have to pit before the X minutes run out. You don't have to necessarily change the drivers or even complete the service - the stint timer is frozen when entering the lane and gets reset every time the car drives through it, apart from when serving a penalty. This also means that if it’s strategically feasible for your squad, you can extend the stint if you still have enough fuel in the tank.The timer should be visible on the top left of your HUD. The car's Racelogic display can also be cycled to show the current stint time on the dashboard.
- 1.11 (if applicable) Why is there a maximum stint time imposed in the first place?
Two reasons: The first one is that the real world series has the same rule as well, and the second one is that it balances out the more fuel efficient cars with the ones that have a drinking problem.
- 1.12 (if applicable) Why is the refuelling time fixed, and what does it mean?
It essentially means that every full-service stop will take 30 seconds (excluding repair time) because all the servicing and driver swapping is done simultaneously, regardless of how big your fuel tank is. In case the event does not have the refuelling time fixed, the time it takes to refill your car depends on the amount you want to put in. Refuelling in GT World Challenge is done simultaneously with the tire and driver changes and takes much less to complete than the other two tasks, so if you opt for a full stop, the pit will take 30 seconds anyway - so this only matters if you only want to fill up your car without changing the drivers or the tires.
- 1.13 Further Information
For more detailed issues or questions related to the game, please contact the event organizers. For further information on team racing in ACC, take a look at Kunos Team Racing Guide: TEAM RACING AND DRIVER SWAP GUIDE for ACC
- 2.1 Virtual mirror disappears after entering the car
Cycle through the views using the F1 button on your keyboard
- 2.2 After swapping drivers the camera ends up in a different car
Hold SHIFT and press left/right arrow keys to cycle views between the cars to cycle back to your vehicle
- 2.3 The HUD stint timer shows exaggerated/negative values
The bug is only visual, the in-game crew chief will alert you 10 and 5 minutes before your stint ends. The in-car Racelogic display also works properly regardless
- 2.4 My game crashes when I press setup while one of my teammates is driving
The only solution for now is: don’t press that button when you’re not the one controlling the car
- 1.1 Clean racing
- 1.1.1Race cleanly at all times. No contact should occur between cars on track, and as a driver you are required to do your best to avoid this from happening. Accidents can happen, but if you are at fault for causing a collision, you are likely to be penalised.
- 1.1.2Deliberately crashing into another car will result in being permanently excluded from our ACC leagues and events. Teammates of someone deliberately crashing into another car, will be disqualified from the race but can participate again the following race.
- 1.1.3If lag (connection issues) is the cause of an incident, when it is obvious that your car's lag is the cause of another driver going off, this would still be classed as an unfair overtake. Please be more careful around other drivers if you are regularly involved in lag-related incidents.
- 1.2 Overtaking
- 1.2.1Don't be too aggressive when trying to overtake. As the chasing car, it is generally your responsibility to not make contact with the car in front.
- 1.2.2Overtaking an other car on the track, when under yellow flags, is prohibited/not allowed. An exception to this rule is in place, when the other car drives very slow due to damage and/or was involved in the incident causing the yellow flags. When a driver overtakes another car under yellow flags, they are supposed to return the position. This rule only applies during race sessions.
- 1.3 Defending
- 1.3.1Excessive weaving and blocking is not allowed. As soon as a driver is in striking distance behind you, you are supposed to choose and stick to one line. When defending from another car, choose a line on the track and stick to it. Do not force a chasing car off the track by leaving it too little room. If the attacking car is alongside you going into a corner (generally if the attacking car's front wheels is alongside or ahead of the defending car's rear wheels), you must adjust your line to avoid contact.
- 1.3.2It is generally accepted that the attacker must be at least halfway alongside the defender when they reach the apex to have a reasonable claim to this piece of track.
- 1.3.3The defending driver is required to make their defending move early enough for the attacking driver to react accordingly. Making the move too late might result in a crash.
- 1.4 Corner cutting/track extending
- 1.4.1Stay within the track boundaries with at least two tyres at all times. The track boundaries are defined in game. Cutting corners, or extending the track, to gain an advantage is not allowed. Drivers found to be persistently breaking this rule will be penalised by the stewarding team.
- 1.4.2Penalties applied by the game for excessive corner cutting can range from a drive-through to a stop-and-go penalty. Your team is required to serve those penalties within 3 race laps, as defined by the game. These penalties are not protestable.
- 1.5 Qualifying etiquette
- 1.5.1In the case of regular qualifying sessions, it is your own responsibility to find some free space on the track when starting your outlap. A car on a hot lap does not have to yield for a faster car approaching from behind. If you are on an in- or out-lap, however, you have to let faster cars pass you without blocking them. If you are on a fast lap approaching a slow car, flashing your lights is a way of notifying them that you're on a fast lap. Excessive flashing is not allowed, however, and can result in a grid penalty applied before the race.
- 1.5.2Some races/events will feature qualifying sessions ran on a separate server for a week before the race actually begins. Those will be timed-average sessions, in which all of the drivers in the team/squad are required to complete a fast lap on. They will also be used to place your team/squad in a tier in case the race will be separated.
- 1.5.3In the case of superpole qualifying sessions, aka “Pole Shootouts”, the selected driver representing the squad will be required to follow the instructions made by the coordinators conducting the session through the in-game chat. Cars will be let out in reverse grid order and will be spaced out so that they won’t meet each other on the track.
- 1.6 Spacial Awareness
- 1.6.1You are only allowed to ignore the pit entry and pit exit line if you don't create a dangerous situation. This means that on the start/finish straight, you are allowed to cross the white pit lane lines (when not performing a pit stop), but you should make sure you don't endanger other drivers.
- 1.6.2If you spin off whilst the pack is close, rejoining the track immediately is ill-advised. You do not ghost and you will cause accidents. Staying still is the best option until the other cars have avoided you. It is far easier to avoid a stationary obstacle. If you spin off whilst a competitor is close, you have to brake and stay on the brake to avoid your car rolling randomly back onto or over the track. Failing to do so may result in a penalty.
- 1.6.3If your car is sent into a spin, hit the brakes in order to avoid your car from veering into an unpredictable course. During stewarding, failing to do so will be taken into account and can result in a more severe punishment.
- 1.6.4If you go off the track, rejoin in a manner that is both safe and in no way a danger to other competitors.
- 1.6.5Using the in-game spotter, an external app like the crew chief or at least having the proximity arrows and the radar enabled is strongly advised. This helps the drivers to be aware of their surroundings.
- 2.1 Being lapped
- 2.1.1We are running with the in-game rules & flags system, which means that the game should alert you with a blue flag when you are about to be lapped. When receiving a blue flag or know that a car is going to lap you and is approaching from behind, you should prepare to let them pass, without interfering with their race, when safe, within the next few corners. In single class races, this is done best by the car that is being shown a blue flag moving off the racing line and easing on the accelerator on a straight, or lifting / braking early, and/or giving up the inside line to a corner to let the lapping car pass.
- 2.1.2In single class races, this is done best by the car that is being shown a blue flag moving off the racing line and easing on the accelerator on a straight, or lifting/braking early, and/or giving up the corner and racing line to let the lapping car pass. Blatantly refusing to let the car behind pass you, will most likely result in a penalty. Tight corners and chicanes are not considered safe places to let a car through. Also, you can see if the driver is a lap higher than you by looking at the relative board - the driver’s name will be highlighted by an orange colour, instead of a regular white name.
- 2.1.3As a means of helping with blue flags, we advise the leaders to flash their lights at cars due to be lapped. This should not be done excessively. This is their cue to inform that the driver on the lead lap is about to pass the driver being lapped, and should let the lapping car pass at the next safe available opportunity.
- 2.1.4Flashing your lights at a competitor you are racing for position is not to be used as a "distraction technique" or in anger at an incident.
- 2.1.5If you are faster than a car that lapped you, you are allowed to try and unlap yourself. But keep in mind the following rules too: At all times - if you are under blue flags - you are not allowed to defend. So if you don't get away from the same car, blue flags will mean that you are not allowed to defend (if the other car makes an attempt to lap you). Follow the regular rules of overtaking and don't go for a dive bomb on the inside.
- 2.2 Multiclass racing
- 2.2.1In the case of multiclass events, the driver of the faster car is always the one responsible for making a safe pass on the slower car.
- 2.2.2The driver of the slower class car is advised to use the turn indicators to indicate the direction in which he’s going to go in order to let the faster class car by.
- 2.2.3At all times, the slower class car is required to stick to one racing line and not change his direction erratically.
- 2.2.4Passes on slower cars don’t have to be done immediately, both parties involved are advised to pick the next straight or more relaxed section of the track as the overtaking area.
- 2.3 Pit stops
- 2.3.1Every track has a pit entry and a pit exit lane designated by a solid white line. If there is a car within these boundaries, either entering or exiting the pits, passing cars are not to cross the lines and move out of the way of the car entering or exiting the pit lane. This is especially important on tracks whose pit exits intersect with the racing line - Paul Ricard and Spa, as an example. Should any incidents occur while a car is in the pit entry or pit exit line, the passing car will be held responsible.
- 2.3.2A car is considered to be in the pit exit or entry zone when all four wheels are within the white lines.
- 2.3.3Once the car has left the pit exit boundaries, it is no longer under "protection", and as such is considered to have rejoined the race. Any incidents that will happen beyond the pit exit line will be no longer considered in favour of the car leaving the pits.
- 2.3.4Use of turn indicators is once again strongly encouraged to signal entering the pit, especially on tracks which have a very tight pit lane entry starting right after the final corner of the track (Paul Ricard, Monza, Suzuka, Zolder).
- 2.3.5The pit stop strategy is open by default unless stated otherwise in the event thread. You can choose to change the tires, drivers and refill you car at your team’s discretion.
- 2.4 Inclement weather and night time racing
- 2.4.1Endurance races are expected to stretch longer time frames, often continuing into the night. As such, turning on your headlamps should the night fall is required and will also be policed by the game. If the driver continues to drive the car with headlamps turned off, the game will automatically issue a "meatball" (Black flag with an orange circle) penalty after 3 laps, disqualifying the car as unfit to race.
- 2.4.2If for whatever reason your headlamps are broken while in night time, the game will also automatically advise you to pit for repairs - should you fail to do so, you will be disqualified by the game on the same grounds as not having your headlamps on.
- 2.4.3It is encouraged to use a version of the car with additional endurance lighting to improve night time visibility.
- 2.4.4Should rain occur, the drivers are required to turn on both regular lighting and the rain light. If a driver is spotted driving without one, he will be first issued a warning before getting penalized.
- 2.5 Returning to the garage
- 2.5.1If at any point during qualifying you want to return to the garage, either drive your car completely off the track and use the “back to garage” option or drive into the pit lane first. The former option is strongly encouraged in case your car gets damaged to the point where it is no longer safe to drive it back while avoiding incoming traffic.
- 2.5.2Using the “back to garage” option in race sessions is only allowed in case your car is either impossible to drive or would be very hard to limp back to the pit lane in order to commence repairs. The game will automatically freeze your controls if you do so for a set period of time, serving as a penalty for using the aforementioned option.
- 2.6 In-Game Disqualification
In-game disqualifications can not be removed while the event is ongoing.
- 2.7 Widget formation lap/start
- 2.7.1Drivers are at all times supposed to strictly follow the instructions given by the in-game widget.
- 2.7.2Drive through penalties awarded by the game will not be reverted.
- 3.1 Communication
- 3.1.1All members of the squad are expected to be present on the AOR discord server and have the "ACC Racers" and "ACC Endurance Racer" roles claimed through the #game-assignment and #acc-assignment channels. Squads may be removed if there is no way to contact them through the AOR Discord or if members of the squad seemingly ignore organizers instructions or messages.
- 3.1.2Driver briefings will be held in form of a short post made by the event organizers before the respective race in the endurance_info channel of the AOR Discord. Not being up to date due to not bothering to read them cannot be used as an excuse.
- 3.1.3Once the race has started, drivers are expected to no longer use the in-game chat function until the race has ended (for all drivers). Not obeying this rule may result in a penalty. It is advised to have the in-game chat pop-ups enabled, so messages written by the coordinators are being read.
- 3.2 Lobby etiquette
- 3.2.1Shouting, name-calling and generally speaking rudely is not acceptable. Drivers who are a disruptive influence on the lobby atmosphere will be penalised accordingly, or in extreme cases disqualified from the race.
- 3.2.2Respect the other drivers. Keep a friendly atmosphere in the race lobby and treat your fellow drivers as equals, regardless of them being quicker or slower than you.
- 3.2.3Respect the coordinators. Listen if he is giving a message, and accept the decisions he makes. If you feel any actions/decisions are wrong, address the issue calmly and maturely. Coordinators' decisions are final within the lobby, but may be reviewed later if you feel an error has been made. Please accept that making a call instantly can be tricky and the Coordinator, even if participating in the race, is expected to be entirely neutral.
- 3.3 Race etiquette
- 3.3.1If you are involved in an on-track incident, don't overreact. It may be frustrating, but you need to stay calm and get on with it. Losing out due to another driver's mistake or recklessness is no excuse for retaliation or acting against the rules.
- 3.3.2If another driver does something you feel is against the rules, report it through the live stewarding form rather than argue about it over the voice chat, game chat, discord or in the forums post race.
- 3.3.3If you are having a bad race, don't act foolishly. As a driver, you have to accept that some races will be better than others and you can't always have it your way. If you are unable to enjoy the racing due to not always being at the front, this is not the place for you - there are many drivers in the league/event, and someone will always have to be at the back.
- 3.3.4Wait until everyone has finished the session, both qualifying and race, to discuss the race either on Discord or using the in-game chat.
- 3.3.5The cool down lap is part of the race event and therefore the same rules are being applied. Crashing into each other is not allowed during the cool down lap or any other particular time during the race event.
- 3.3.6Penalties will be applied to drivers who knowingly take out brake marker boards and other signs that could be used as reference points.
- 3.4 Rage-quitting
- 3.4.1Deliberately quitting the race in any way - whether that is by quitting through the pause menu, getting yourself disqualified or deliberately crashing your car - is not allowed, unless you have a very good reason to do so. Accepted reasons for quitting could be that you are a danger to other drivers on track due to poor driving or connection issues. Quitting because you "couldn't be bothered" or due to being angry at something - rage-quitting, in other words - are not good reasons.
- 3.4.2Excuses such as 'poor driving' and 'connection issues' will be monitored. These are not a get-out of jail free cards if you can't be bothered. Poor driving is occasional, if perhaps life has been unkind and you haven't had as much time to practice.
- 3.4.3Connection issues can strike anybody, but drivers who are continually unable to race safely due to connection will be removed from the race - see Connection and Lag under Participation.
- 4.1 Completing races
To be eligible for being classified points after a race, your team/squad must have completed at least 70% of the race. The amount of laps the winner of the race drove, is considered to be 100%.
- 4.2 Missing races
- 4.2.1If your squad is unable to attend a race, you have to give sufficient notice for your absence before the signout deadline (Friday before the race at 23:59 British local time). You can sign your squad out from the race through the apexonline.racing webpage. For every race there is an option to sign out from the race.
- 4.2.2If you are absent without informing the race organizers or signing out through the webpage on-time, your team may not be allowed to join future endurance races.
- 4.2.3The official starting time of a race will be stated in the event info. If everything goes according to plan, races start at this official starting time. In case of a race starting earlier or later than the official starting time, an event organizer will let all teams/squads know.
- 4.2.4Getting another driver to race in your name is completely prohibited and will result in serious punishment.
- 4.3 Connection & Lag
It's an unfortunate aspect of online racing that having a stable connection can be critical to being able to race closely with other cars. While we understand that not everyone can have perfect connections, and that occasional lag can't be avoided, we reserve the right to ask a driver to leave the server if their connection is causing too many issues for other drivers. The organizers reserve the right to disqualify a team/squad during the race if their connection pose a serious danger to other cars on track.
- 5.1 Live stewarding
- 5.1.1This race will feature live stewarding done by the AOR steward team. For the first 3 laps of the race, all avoidable collisions will be reported by the stewards themselves. For the remainder of the race, teams/squads can report incidents to the stewards themselves, by using the provided form.
- 5.1.2What you can make a stewards enquiry for:
• Racing incidents: If you feel another driver has caused an incident - eg. hitting your car, forcing you off the track, or generally driving too aggressively - you should report this to the stewards for investigation.
• Track limits: If you witness another driver persistently gaining time by abusing the track limits by either running wide or cutting corners, you should report this to the stewards for investigation.
• Dangerous driving: If a driver rejoins the track in an unsafe or dangerous manner, or drives in a way that is a danger to other cars, you should report it to the stewards.
What won’t be looked at by the stewards:
• Any Drive Through or Stop & Go penalties given by the game.
You should report incidents that you are involved in. Reporting an incident that you heard about, or saw behind you for example, will not be accepted. - 5.1.3
Link to the page where you can create an enquiry: Enquiry form
- 5.1.4The process is a bit different when compared to the AOR GT3 league, as the decision making has to be done fast. Neither of both teams/squads will have the opportunity to give their personal opinion on the enquiries, therefore the team/squad posting the enquiry will have to stay factual instead of explaining what - in their opinion - happened.
- 5.1.5Make sure that all members of your squad have a functional recording solution ready before the start of the race. Instructions on which software to use to record incidents can be found in "how to record evidence".
- 5.2 How to report
- 5.2.1You have 30 minutes after the incident happened, to report it.
- 5.2.2To submit an enquiry, you have to first record and upload the evidence. Read the final few pages of this file to figure out how to record and upload the evidence. You can watch the replay of the race in the pause menu.
- 5.2.3The evidence of your steward enquiry must only show the chase cam and the onboard cam of all cars involved to ensure a seamless process for the stewards. You have to show what happened before the incident, the incident itself and what happened after the incident (to show the stewards how much time has been lost). The Gear/Speed and pedal input HUD must be activated to show the steward the inputs of the cars. (Example of valid evidence: YouTube link)
- 5.2.4If the evidence doesn’t contain only the chase cam and the onboard of all cars involved or the HUD, the enquiry will be refused.
- 5.2.5Afterwards, you need to fill out the provided Google Forms with the correct information (server number, number of the cars…).
- 5.2.6Once you have submitted the form, a steward will check if the enquiry if valid. If the enquiry is considered invalid, a message will appear in the “race_control” discord chat stating that the enquiry is refused and why.
- 5.2.7The stewards will then debate and decide on a possible penalty for the enquiry. Once a decision has been made, it will be added to a queue of penalty.
- 5.2.8At regular intervals, the stewards will post a report on Discord including all the penalties of the enquiries judged. In this report will be listed the enquiries, the decision of these enquiries and the time of the next report.
- 5.2.9Any imitation of the stewards and/or coordinators in the in-game chat will result in an instant kick of the responsible car.
- 5.3
Please note that every enquiry is either refused or closed. Enquiries are never lost, sending an enquiry more than once could end up in a penalty for your team.
Due to the length of the race and the possibility of a limited amount of stewards being available, it is possible a penalty is awarded later than you would normally expect.
- 5.4 Live stewarding - Penalties and license points system
- 5.4.1The available race penalties during live stewarding are:
● 5-10-15 second time penalty - Dangerous driving, driving in an unsporting manner or causing a minor avoidable collision.
● 0-45 second time penalty - Causing a moderate avoidable collision.
● 0-90 second time penalty - Causing a major avoidable collision.
● Disqualification - Intentionally trying or crashing into another car and other unacceptable behavior. Can also be used by the race director for various other reasons like causing too many incidents within a single race (which will be stated in Discord after the race). - 5.4.2Penalty modifiers:
• +5 seconds and one additional license point - Causing an avoidable incident in the opening lap. - 5.4.3After every race, an overview of penalties awarded during the race will be published.
Note: License points may additionally be handed out for writing in the in-game chat during the superpole or race session.
- 5.5 Reprimand system
While the race penalties and license points systems are aimed at dealing with on-track issues, the reprimand system deals with issues that may occur off the track. If you receive 2 reprimands, you're out. Receiving 2 reprimands will also likely result in being excluded from future endurance races.
A reprimand can be given for:
● Deliberately crashing out of the session
● Showing abusive behavior towards another driver, either in the race lobby, discord or on the forum
● Intentionally hiding/removing evidence and/or footage to avoid receiving a penalty in an enquiry
Note that if we encounter situations where someone's behaviour gets completely out of hand and is extremely serious, a ban may be applied directly regardless of reprimands accumulated.
- 6.1
By signing up to this race, your team automatically accepts to follow the rules and guidelines made by AOR for this race.
- 6.2
Your main source of information should always be the AOR Discord.
- 6.3
If sudden changes to the event have to be made due to game updates, we will announce this in Discord through the designated discord tag. We will then also update this manual if needed.
- 6.4
The organizers of the race will always have the final say on matters not clearly explained in the rules/guidelines.
- 6.5
The organizers of the race reserve the right to adjust weather or event settings if deemed necessary.
- 6.6
The organizers of the race reserve the right to remove a team/squad from the event if the squad is identified as a "placeholder-entry", meaning that the team/squad, in it's current form, doesn't fulfill the criteria to participate in the race and is hence considered to be used to block a spot and prevent other teams/squads from signing up.
- 6.7
In case of requests/questions:
If you have any questions or requests, please direct message one of the event organizers. This should always be the first go-to to for example let the organizers make last-minute changes to the entrylists or in general get questions answered.
Teamname | Squadname | Class | Car | # |
# | Driver | Team | BestRun | Class | # | Car | Laps | Fuel | Valid |
# | Team | Class | Car | Team Avg Best | Gap to #1 | Gap | Rank | Valid |
1 | Celtic Bromance Abertawe Racing | GT2 | ![]() | 00:00.000 | 5 | 0 / 1 | ||
2 | WKG Motorsport Rain | BMW M2 | ![]() | 00:00.000 | 5 | 0 / 1 | ||
3 | Team 0 | GT2 | ![]() | 00:00.000 | 5 | 0 / 1 | ||
4 | leon | BMW M2 | ![]() | 00:00.000 | 5 | 0 / 1 | ||
5 | Celtic Bromance Steven Seagal and The Undertaker | BMW M2 | ![]() | 00:00.000 | 5 | 0 / 2 | ||
6 | Celtic Bromance Useeno | GT2 | ![]() | 00:00.000 | 5 | 0 / 2 | ||
7 | Team Ghost | BMW M2 | ![]() | 00:00.000 | 5 | 0 / 1 | ||
8 | Raging Alcoholics | BMW M2 | ![]() | 00:00.000 | 5 | 0 / 2 | ||
9 | Celtic Bromance The Cymru-mobile | BMW M2 | ![]() | 00:00.000 | 5 | 0 / 2 | ||
10 | Celtic Bromance | GT2 | ![]() | 00:00.000 | 5 | 0 / 1 | ||
11 | Typical Racing (TR) | GT2 | ![]() | 00:00.000 | 5 | 0 / 2 | ||
12 | Celtic Bromance I only turn left | BMW M2 | ![]() | 00:00.000 | 5 | 0 / 1 | ||
13 | BeesWax Racing Divebomb | GT2 | ![]() | 00:00.000 | 5 | 0 / 1 | ||
14 | Capital SimRacers alone | GT2 | ![]() | 00:00.000 | 5 | 0 / 1 | ||
15 | Celtic Bromance TeamLH | GT2 | ![]() | 00:00.000 | 5 | 0 / 1 | ||
16 | Celtic Bromance Oh dear god do I remember how to play this game | BMW M2 | ![]() | 00:00.000 | 5 | 0 / 1 | ||
17 | BeesWax Racing | BMW M2 | ![]() | 00:00.000 | 5 | 0 / 1 | ||
18 | WKG Motorsport ACC is pants | BMW M2 | ![]() | 00:00.000 | 5 | 0 / 1 | ||
19 | WKG Motorsport SHED74 | BMW M2 | ![]() | 00:00.000 | 5 | 0 / 1 | ||
20 | MO POWA BABEH | BMW M2 | ![]() | 00:00.000 | 5 | 0 / 2 | ||
21 | Celtic Bromance Atomikraces | GT2 | ![]() | 00:00.000 | 5 | 0 / 2 | ||
# | Team | Driver | Category | Time | Fastest | Laps | Gap | Class | Car | Nr |